Who are we?
The Glass Corner Collective is an emerging not for profit network, designed to bring people together for great quality discussions.
Our purpose is to facilitate open conversations, focused on learning and inspiring, with topics that can be contributed to by a broad selection of individuals.
With these conversations, we aim to drive change.
What we offer
monthly topics, nominated by individuals. a great way to delve into a topic with a collective of great minds
if you've got something more specific you want to talk about, or debate, this is the perfect solution for you.
passionate about branding, marketing, the role of gender equality, leadership and coaching, I can bring energy, enthusiasm and a bold approach to your event
Upcoming events
Great Conversations: Round Table
03- 07- 24 18:30-20:00
Fully Booked
a round table discussion on the topic of bold decision making.
Equals Clubhouse | Amsterdam
Asking For Help
An inspiring panel discussion via ‘She Says’ on the subject of Asking for Help.
Equals Clubhouse | Amsterdam
Virtual Round Table
date and time tbc
Contact Us
For more information, or to arrange a call, please complete our contact form
Find us here on social media